Friday 4 November 2011

Week 2 Summary

This week I created some more objects as shown below and also added materials to these and existing objects created last week. As a group we decided to go for a more woody effect which we think should go well with the guildhall, bringing back an older, yet newer feel to the place. For the wood material I used a number of different wood textures found using Google images, to make the objects more realistic. As a group we also compared our storyboards thinking of ways best to animate the guildhall, each with different ideas. This gives us plenty of options when it comes to animating.

With the help of Michael I also managed to get the roof of the guildhall done, by using a plane to form a base to work from. For the material a bump tile map was used to make it look like roof tiles. When Michael has finished the guildhall he can add the roof to it.

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