Tuesday, 8 November 2011

Minutes Meeting 5



This week we discussed how to split up the rooms amongst ourselves to place the objects we created within them. Joe is going to create a few objects that are to be placed within the kitchen such as a cupboard and a fridge, then create the layout of the room using all of the necessary objects that have been created. Also Joe is going to create the layout to the library as well using the necessary objects. Michael will provide Joe and Troy a copy of the floor for each of the rooms they will be modelling so we can stick to a common scale. Michael is also going to finish the guildhall, with appropriate doors and windows that have been created by Troy. Troy will model the layout of the museum and the shop, using the variety of models created between us all.

We also need to consider sounds that could be placed in the animation, either sound effects such as a door creaking open, or a musical theme. Some research into the sound area will need to be done, such as what effects we think we could use to tie in what the animation may look like.

For next week Joe and Troy will have the room layouts created with all of the appropriate objects and Michael will have the guildhall ready for the rooms to be placed in. between us we will also do a little research into possible sounds or music tracks that can be applied to our animation.

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