This week we each showed our animation paths with the use of the camera and made suggestions where we can each make changes. Joe changed some of the camera movements, speeding up the animation slightly in each animation file knocking off a few seconds. Troy started adding appropriate materials to the walls such as wall plaster. Michael added a daylight effect to the animation to make it seem like daytime in the animation and then showed the rest of the group how to do. Using the same parameters we applied the daylight effect to each animation file. We also compared our animation camera co-ordinates, where one person starts their animation to where one person finishes. This is to match up the animation as close as possible in all of the separate animation files.
We then started working on all of the little bits that need tweaking and adding to our animation. Michael created a new save file and starting adding all of the things that is missing from the animation, including the door signs for the toilets. Troy took the picture frame and added a few of the pictures taken from the website. These will then be placed around the guildhall in the various rooms.
For next week Joe is going to have the entire camera movements completed for his part of the animation, along with the textures, pictures and any other objects placed in the guildhall. Also Joe is going to add one or two bipeds around his part of the animation for example one in the library, one in the kitchen and attempt to place a few lights around the guildhall lighting up the animation.
Troy is going to attempt to add a character mesh to the biped to create a person moving around the guildhall. Troy is also going to finish off any changes to the camera, add the rest of the materials and objects and create a small fire animation to put into the fireplace.
Michael is working on the finer details of the guildhall such as the road and lamps found on the outside of the guildhall. Also Michael is going to finish all of the camera movements around the outside.